Internet Archive, please remove this content.
User-agent: ia_archiver
Disallow: /
Type of removal request
Request by a webmaster of a private (non-governmental) web site, typically for reasons of privacy, defamation, or embarrassment.
1. Archivists should provide a 'self-service' approach site owners can use to remove their materials based on the use of the robots.txt standard.
2. Requesters may be asked to substantiate their claim of ownership by changing or adding a robots.txt file on their site.
3. This allows archivists to ensure that material will no longer be gathered or made available.
4. These requests will not be made public; however, archivists should retain copies of all removal requests.
User-agent: ia_archiver
Disallow: /
Type of removal request
Request by a webmaster of a private (non-governmental) web site, typically for reasons of privacy, defamation, or embarrassment.
1. Archivists should provide a 'self-service' approach site owners can use to remove their materials based on the use of the robots.txt standard.
2. Requesters may be asked to substantiate their claim of ownership by changing or adding a robots.txt file on their site.
3. This allows archivists to ensure that material will no longer be gathered or made available.
4. These requests will not be made public; however, archivists should retain copies of all removal requests.